Represent With Colors!

So I just finished crocheting a pair of special-order boot cuffs in Harley Davidson colors. I love the way they turned out. I had not made a pair of boot cuffs before to specifically be turned down over a boot, so I looked at a couple of patterns that I had a took a bit…

When Plans Change

I received and order for a cabled headband in purple. It’s so much fun to do colors like that. I grabbed my purple and settled down to create another wonderful cabled headband, since I had just proven to myself that I could. Well. A couple of hours later I still did not have a completed,…

And Now – Because I Doubted Myself

Every time I conquer a new pattern that looks complicated I feel so accomplished! This is one of those patterns. My sister-in-law sent me a picture of this cabled headband. You can find the page with the pattern HERE! I had never tried anything like this before, only a basic stitch headband. But it looked…