When Plans Change

I received and order for a cabled headband in purple. It’s so much fun to do colors like that. I grabbed my purple and settled down to create another wonderful cabled headband, since I had just proven to myself that I could.

Well. A couple of hours later I still did not have a completed, purple, cabled headband! My purple yarn was the problem. It was not as thick as the other yarn I had used even though it was the same weight. So I tried using 2 strands and that just ended up too thick! (This story is sounding a lot like Goldilocks and the Three Bears)

So I turned to my collection of patterns and found another one that I wanted to try. And it turned out so cute! I talked my daughter into modeling it for you.image

I love this pattern and I’m glad that I had to change my plans and try something new! I will sell these also for $20 each and I can do other colors, just let me know!

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